Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Happiness is a Decision

According to Stephen Covey, between action and reaction there is a space called choice. In that space, you can decide how to react to anything that happens to you. Most people would ignore that space, giving away their freedom to choose. Thus they would automatically react to a given situation with reflexes previously conditioned through their early upbringing and life experiences. When irritated, they would react in anger. When disappointed, they would be upset.

I'd like to be able to exercise my freedom to choose. To free myself from conditioned reflexes. To be able pause between action and reaction, and use that precious space to decide for myself what I want and how I want to react in a given situation.

Cadbury would say, which I agree, ...


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Chech said...

This morning, I woke up feeling DELIRIOUS. I pray that the positive aura will keep burning... But then again, everything is my choice, right?

At 7:48 PM, Blogger random thoughts said...

I always Feel Good with Jacob's...


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